
About Us

We are doing researches on astrophysics from both theoretical and observational points of views.
See details.

What's New

Andrew Hillier (University of Exeter) gives a seminar.
Kosuke Nishiwaki (ICRR) moved to INAF-Istituto di Radioastronomia (Italy).
Congyao Zhang (University of Chicago) gives a seminar.
Kosuke Nishiwaki (ICRR) joined.
New Members joined.
Alfredo Luminari (visiting researcher) left.
Prof. Fujita is interviewed by Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. (TMU).
An international team of researchers, including Takuma Izumi (NAOJ) and Prof. Fujita, revealed the mystery of a black hole (Press Release).
Susumu Inoue (JSPS project researcher) moved to Chiba University.
Alfredo Luminari (visiting researcher) joined.
Susumu Inoue (JSPS project researcher) joined.
Norita Kawanaka (ALMA Fellow) joined.
New Members joined.
Research by Prof. Fujita was introduced on YouTube.
Research by Prof. Fujita was introduced on EurekAlert!.
Takuma Izumi (ALMA Fellow) moved to National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.